Patient Support & Groups
Community referral
Social Prescribing
Social prescribing, sometimes known as a community referral, is a way GPs, nurses and other health and care professionals can refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services.
Recognising that people’s health is determined primarily by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health.
Social prescribing schemes can involve a variety of activities which are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations. Examples include volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports.
There are many different models for social prescribing, but most involve a link worker or navigator who works with people to access local sources of support. Description taken from The King’s Fund Website 2020.
Please click Social prescribing – Oldham Council for more information on social prescribing. The website also has an option to refer yourself to social prescribing.
Local Organisations
Oldham Community Leisure
Oldham Community Leisure for enquiries regarding gym membership or attending exercise classes, walking groups etc contact
Oldham Council
Oldham Benefits Advice – gives free advice including support with appeals, tribunal preparation and benefit entitlement 0161 770 6655
Oldham Welfare Rights Service – general advice 0161 770 6633
Oldham Social Services 0161 770 7777
Domestic Violence and Abuse – Organisations that offer support: Click here
Oldham Independent Living Shop and Showroom – offers a large number of services, support groups and signposting facilities for residents with a disability or feel they have vulnerability or some form of additional need, carers and professionals.
There is also an Age UK shop which provides assistive technology demonstration rooms where you can try out and purchase assistive equipment 0161 770 4786
Oldham Early Help – is an integrated support service for individuals, households and families of any age that have some problems that need support to stop them getting worse or reaching crisis point. It also helps people who had problems that now need some further help to develop their support networks 0161 770 6672
The Princess Royal Trust Carers Centre Oldham – may be able to offer you free and impartial support, for example carer assessment and support, benefits for carers, advocacy service and a guide to local services 0161 770 1188
Oldham Safeguarding
Anybody who is experiencing domestic or sexual violence can find help, support and advice click below.
National Organisations
Versus Arthritis
Versus Arthritis publications are specifically designed to help people affected by arthritis to understand more about a particular condition and its treatment, including the disease modifying drugs. read or download lots of information about living with arthritis and read about the latest research.
National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)
Freephone 0800 298 7650 to receive information and support if you have RA, including the option to speak with a trained telephone support volunteer with RA at a mutually convenient time about whatever aspect of your RA concerns you most.
The Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance.
Enquiry line operates 9:30 – 16:30 weekdays
01923 672 837
Lupus UK
Lupus UK is a registered charity supporting people living with systemic lupus or discoid lupus. Oldham hold a Lupus Support Group – click here for details or speak to your rheumatology team.
Arthur's Place
Arthurs Place is a online magazine and social network for young adults with arthritis.
Polymyalgia Rheumatic and Giant Cell Arteritis advice and support via information packs, a helpline, a newsletter, a support group and a web forum.
NHS Business Services Authority
Prescription Prepayment Certificate (PPC) If you take 3 or more prescribed medications, a PCC can save you money on prescription charges. For further information, up to date prices and how to apply visit the website or call 0845 850 0030
Age UK
Age UK gives information on Money matters, health and well-being (including befriending service and social activities in the Oldham area) home and care, work and learning and travel and lifestyle advice.
Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK
The following organisation provides information about different types of arthritis and connective tissue disease, including support groups, helplines and fund raising opportunities.